Monday, December 8, 2014

How to Lead while you Follow

Are you a leader or a follower? A Playboy or a Womanizer? Bossy or a Leader? What are you about? What's your special?
#seanlai #seanlaic #leadership #theretentionexpert @hustlervegas #millenials

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Meet my greatfull sexy love! Are you speaking your lover's language?
#seanlaic #seanlai #proclivities #gratitude #retention #sex #thanksgiving #retentionexpert #passion #lovelanguages @garychapman

Monday, November 24, 2014

#1 Thing to do to be a GREAT LEADER

Great leaders all know this!
#seanlaic #seanlai #gratitude #greatfull #leadership #attitudeofgratitude

Are you middle class or world class?

Is your psychology rich or poor? Living in fear isn't living, it's surviving

#seanlai #seanlaic #money #proclivities #retention #cruise #fear


$50 Billion dollars music to your ears? Better plan for it!I Would you shoot yourself in the foot? #seanlaic #seanlai #proclivities #cssp #strategicplanning @robertbradford @vtspeaker

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Where's your sexy mojo? Do you want to bring sexy back?
#seanlaic #seanlai #proclivities #retention #sex #energy #infidelity #focus #adultery

Monday, November 17, 2014

Must Know Tips to Measure Your Leadership

If you want something different do something different.
#seanlaic #proclivities #theretentionexpert #leadership #energy #focus #mylesmunroe #eagles

Friday, November 14, 2014

Who is Watching Your Money?

If you only work on your business and not in your business how will you know where the money is?

#seanlaic #proclivities #money #voyeurism #howyoushowup #PROcast #accounting

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Are you a Voyeur?

Aren't we all Voyeurs? What do you like to see?
#seanlaic #proclivities #sex #voyeurism #fun

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Who's Watching You When You're Not Watching YOU?

What if you could see yourself as the world sees you?
#seanlaic #proclivities #morningcoach #voyeur #leadership #retention #peoplekeepingpeople #harrypotter

Monday, November 10, 2014

Will Strangers Cry When You Die?

This past weekend I attended a meeting where the legendary Lou Heckler spoke about story telling and influence.  He opened with a question and asked the audience if we knew the influence that we have?  On Saturday I thought I did, and today I know I don't.

Today I learned that Bahamian Pastor Myles Munroe died in a plane crash and I am devastated.  I never met Myles, but I always knew someday I would.  Most people haven't heard of him, he wasn't as charismatic as Will Smith or as well known as Tony Robbins or as enlightened as Oprah Winfrey but he changed my life and I never even got to meet him.  I've never spoken publicly about him and I've never exchanged emails, letters, phone calls or text messages with him, yet today, I'm devastated by his passing.

Almost 3 years ago, I was in a dark place and Myles shined his bright light into my world.  Purely by serendipity I came across a talk Myles had given in the Bahamas that would later be found on YouTube called the 10 Attitudes of Leadership.  I believe it's still available on YouTube today.   Track 4 which was less than 10 minutes long  and contained the words that would change my life and become my mantra.

Before I share those words with you, let me tell you how I had gotten there.

It was the beginning of the summer of  2012, the preceding years had not been kind as I had lost both of my parents in rapid succession, my child was finishing up cancer treatment, our house had burned down and both my husband's and my business had closed due to the Global Financial Crisis.  My book-keeper and assistant for 7 years had been found stealing, our new business was in the difficult long-houred start-up phase,  and I was lost.

I didn't know where to turn or who to turn to.   I had discovered  YouTube and it's free motivational videos that I used to fill me with energy so I could get out of bed in the morning. 

 I had never heard of Tony Robbins except in passing, Wayne Dyer was someone I had no connection to and this Bahamian pastor  that  I had never heard of  was speaking to me through my iPhone about eagles and lions and leadership. 

 He connected with me and languaged things so beautifully I felt less alone in my world.    As I leaned over my bathroom counter putting on my makeup Myles said "You Cannot Live Beyond The Limits of Your Belief System" and My. World. Stopped. Turning.

I dropped my mascara, and blindly grabbed my phone, I replayed the clip, and I played it again and I played it again, and I played it again and again,  until I knew and understood the truth.

Looking around that lonely bathroom I realized that the life I was living was one that I had created. One that I dreamt about, one that I had manifested. 

If I wanted a different life, I had to have a different belief system.

Later that night, I asked my 17 year old son what he wanted his life to look like and when I said "You Cannot Live Beyond The Limits of Your Belief System  he said "OK mom, I'll live beyond my limits."

"No baby, raise your limits."   

And THAT is what I have been doing every single day since.  Raising limits, testing boundaries, creating opportunities to live the life I have imagined.  To grow my content so it serves the world, to help people keep people and to be the type of person that is worthy of the life that I deserve.  

Myles gave that talk to some group, somewhere, over lunch and years later in a bathroom across the world a lonely lost woman held on to that phrase like the life preserver it was.  

What's your impact? 

 I hope that when I'm gone, someone somewhere will grieve for me as I grieve for him today not because I want them to hurt but because I was there when they needed me. 

We have an obligation to share our gift with the world, whatever that gift is, you aren't here for you, you're here for the trail you leave behind.

If you're not living the life that you want, if everyday is not a gift that you are GREATFULL for then perhaps it's time for you to review your belief system and see where your limits are.  YOU are your greatest limitation and your greatest resource. How you show up is up to you.

Do you know the influence you have?

Seanlai Cochrane is The Retention Expert who helps people keep people and puts profits back in your bottom line!

Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  

Phone 405-314-8716 
fax 405-471.5646
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic  

#seanlaic #proclivities +Myles Munroe International 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

How's Your Sexual Marketing?

Keeping people in our sex life is not that different than keeping customers in our business. Are you marketing your sex life so you get to have sex with who you want to?
#seanlaic #proclivities #sex #sextalk #howyoushowup #podcast #retention #keepingpeople #famecoach #robertstack #intuit

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

5 Lessons learned from #TheProfit that every CEO and Business Owner Should Know

Marcus Lemonis is the star of CNBC's hit show The Profit, a no-nonsense business reality show that offers the struggling, usually over-extended and under-capitalized American small business a fresh start.  As with anything, there's a price.

If The Profit agrees to invest in your company the cost and benefit to you is far greater than the check he whips out of his pocket to write.  You give up some equity in your company, you give up control, and you give up your privacy.  He's going to examine your business practices, your ego, your attitude and your dirty laundry.   However,  if you're willing to undergo such a thorough examination the rewards are priceless.  Should he take a vested interest in your company, you have an investor, a mentor, a powerful network and the impact of the national stage at your disposal.  

As a small business owner myself and a corporate retention expert,  I have a unique opportunity of being in the position of building my startup, falling along the way, getting back up and finding my footing.   I also get the added benefit of spending time in the C-Suite of big companies and the challenges of both are more similiar than they are different.  

5 'Profit' Lessons that every CEO and Business Owner Should Know:

Math is Math: Know your numbers, know your target numbers, your actual numbers, your expense numbers and your margin numbers.  When you can't make sense of the numbers, then the numbers don't make sense.  Find out why, where there is chaos, there is theft.  Period.

Sales 101: Whether you are selling a widget, a hair product, a service,  or a ferrari there's some basic sales techniques that work no matter what.  Sales is a process that has a road map with a clear destination.  If you know your product, your scripts and your outcome, you can sell.  If you "wing it" you may as well "forget it".

Outsourcing Sales is Outsourcing Success:  Too many CEO's leave the money making to incompetant, untrained, well-intentioned friends and family.  If you think you can't afford to hire a qualified salesperson, then I suggest you put on your selling suit and get to busy.     

Tap Into Your Resources: Every industry has an association, a standard, a streamlined-process that if you're willing to learn and engage can shorten your learning curve and strengthen your position and your network. Don't be so proud, so scared, or so dogmatic that you miss huge opportunities.  You don't have to reinvent the wheel.  

If you don't A-S-K you dont G-E-T: There's no crying in business or baseball.  Therefore, your conflict with your landlord, vendors, partners or ex-partners shouldn't prevent you from forging a strategic alliance if that alliance moves your company closer to the goal.

Business, like baseball, or marriage, or dancing are all basically the same.  There will be steps and times when you feel like the odds are stacked against you, you will strike out, you will step on toes. You will also hit a home-run, kiss the bride and take your company public. 

The lessons are there, waiting for you.  Success leaves a trail.

Seanlai Cochrane is The Retention Expert who puts Profits back in your bottom line!

Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  

Phone 405-314-8716 
fax 405-471.5646
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 

#seanlaic #proclivities #theprofit @marcuslemonis 

Who's running your marathon with you?

Who's taking the ride with you? Are they helping you grow or are they holding you back?
#seanlaic #proclivities #howyoushowup #PROcast #stevegilliland #neenjames #enjoytheride #stillbreathin

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What Powerful People Know that You Don't!

Want Power, People and Profit? All the Players know this is where it's at! #seanlaic #proclivities #meditation #deepakchopra #waynedyer #iam #stillbreathin #enjoytheride #stevegilliland #inc #richardbranson #michaelhyatt #PROcast

You've got the "Magic Script!"

UnProcessed UnScripted Leadership Sucks! What process and scripts are you running that is making you weak? #seanlaic #seanlai #proclivities #leadership #michaelhyatt #marktwain #process #scripts #robertbradford #cssp #strategicplanning #hiring #retention #talent

Friday, October 31, 2014

Teach Your Money To STAY!

Is your money running out the door like an untrained puppy or is it following you around anxious to please you? Today we train those puppies! #seanlaic #seanlai #proclivities #money #billlamb #moneyfollowsexcellence

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Seduction: JUST DO IT!!

Are you putting your effort for excellence in your sex life? Who's the last person you seduced? #seanlaic #seanlai #proclivities #howyoushowup #sex

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Are YOU enjoying YOUR ride?

Are you truly enjoying this rollercoaster we call life? Today we dissect the book Enjoy The Ride by Steve Gilliland and what we find may surprise you. #seanlaic #seanlai #proclivities #howyoushowup #leadership #communication
#stevegilliland #enjoytheride #michaelhyatt

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Have you become lazy in your life? Tune In to Today's PROcast and learn some tips on how to achieve excellence through EFFORT.
#seanlai #seanlaic #proclivities #visual #audible #verbal #physical #LIST #howyoushowup #podcast #communication #leadership #procast

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Are YOU a priority?

Are YOU a priority for you? Are you a PRIORITY for your family? If not, why not? Do you fail well? Are you fearless? In today's PROcast we talk about making ourselves and failure a priority!

You're NOT so special! Life Picks on All of us!

Are You Enjoying Your Ride? Today is the review of Steve Gilliland's Best Seller Enjoy the Ride! What are you here to learn and do and are you doing that? In today's PROcast we discuss his book and other tips on how to enjoy your ride

I'll Show You Mine, If You Show Me Yours

Steve Gilliland's book Enjoy the Ride was the topic of yesterday's PROcast and his quote this morning is running around in my head:
"If tomorrow never comes will you be happy with the way today ended?"

Last night I had dinner with a girlfriend and she is having her own journey of awakening and stress and marital challenges.  I asked her what she wanted to manifest in her life and as a successful corporate attorney you would think she would know. 

 She didn't. 

We were on our way to dinner and while it's not important what we were discussing, the conversation turned to the harshness with which she was describing some mutual friends.  She wasn't bad-mouthing anyone, she was just harsh in her tone.  

I asked her about it, and she immediately got defensive and harsh in her tone with me.  In another time and place, I would have gleefully joined in the 'I can be more offended than you game'.

Instead we had a nice meal and laughed about it later.  

Do you look for reasons to get offended?  Are you finding them? 
Is your fragile over-inflated ego running the show?

 It might be time to examine your ego in all it's naked glory!

I want to be clear that egos are not "bad", when they are healthy they are an AMAZING resource that gives us the oomph to manifest our destiny and ultimately our greatness. Let's look at the word EGO
 Everybody's Got One

When your ego goes unchecked provoking it takes no effort at all.  Whatever you look for you will most certainly find.  

Most people never stop and get to know their ego, they think that is who and what they are and then act shocked when they have no friends, hate their jobs, hate where they live and torture their families for their own unhappiness.

The glare that shines on self righteous indignation is blinding.   

Are you a star in that spotlight?  

Do you say things like this on a regular basis:

"I'm so annoyed....."
I'm so frustrated...
"Can you believe he/she did/said...."
"What were you thinking...."
"You don't understand...."

If you said yes to any or all of those questions, it's time to let the curtain fall on that encore.

 You can't enjoy the ride if you are blinded by your own reflection.

So I ask you again,  "If tomorrow never comes will you be happy with the way today ended?"

Share your comments down below! 

Seanlai Cochrane is a leadership & communications expert that shows you how to win the game of life and business by helping you communicate best with the people that matter most.

Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  

Phone 405-314-8716 
fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 
#seanlaic #proclivities #stevegilliland #priorities #enjoytheride

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Only Buck-Naked Beach People!

Let's strip down, ditch the fig leaves and move to the island of Ikaria! The locals and the transplants aren't tethered to electronics, they nap daily, exercise and eat real food.  They also forget to die or get sick.

Does that sound good? Then why aren't you packing your bags right now?

This week's PROcast is about priorities.  What are yours?

Are your priorities in order and enhancing you?

Most people would say yes, and then their brains would immediately go to their jobs and how hard they work to "provide" for their family.  Most families would gladly give up stuff to have more time, more love, more joy.

There are billions of people on this planet who get up every day, frustrated because it's Monday or *greatfull because it's Friday.  What if you woke up every day excited?

What if you went to sleep at midnight thinking about your meaningful work and woke up at 4:30 energized to GET to do it again? What would that do for you?  How would your life look?

What words would you use with your spouse and children and most of all yourself if you GOT to wake up and live the life you have imagined?

You can.

Read that last sentence again.

Make you a priority today.

We all have stuff.  We all have ick, we all have challenges and we all have that small voice in our heads telling us what we "should" be doing, what's "right", what's  "practical".  We all know how to play the game of self-righteous indignation.

Anyone who has ever been wealthy, anyone who has ever done something truly great, every gold medalist, every Olympian, every self made billioniare did it by casting off the shackles of should and stood tall on the foundation of will.

And they failed. A lot.  The looked stupid. A lot.  They beat themselves up. A lot.

And you will too; embrace it, love it,  make it a priority in your life.  True success is born of it.

We all have a big "WHY"
WHY I work
WHY I try
WHY I get up in the morning
Are you on your WHY list? Why not?

Seanlai Cochrane is a leadership & communications expert that helps you win the game of life and business by helping you communicate best with the people that matter most.

Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 
#seanlaic #proclivities #failure #priorities

Monday, October 20, 2014

Did You Drop the ball? AGAIN?!

We all juggle so many balls, in today's PROcast we figure out how we can PRIORITIZE our leadership so we don't drop the ball, AGAIN! #seanlaic #leadership #loveyourfirst

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Live to Learn and Learn to LIVE

How much time are you spending learning? What have you learned new lately? Are you actively seeking knowledge or just going through the motions of life? In today's PROcast, we discuss these questions and more!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Making Sense of the Dollars so the Dollars don't make CENTS

Do you work to make money or are you working to pay the bills? Are you beating yourself up about mistakes you've made a long the way? In todays PROcast we talk about how we can innovate in our money matters. Making Sense of the Dollars so you have more than Cents!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Innovative Sex! Everybody's doing it!

Let's Talk About Sex!! How do you innovate in the bedroom? Are you part of the "Swinging Lifestyle" movement? In today's PROcast, we talk about Swinging, Adultery, and Friends with Benefits! Innovative Sex! Everybody's doing it!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Inventors and Mental Athletes Unite!

Are you an Inventor? Are you a mental athlete? Have you given your career the type of innovational attention that you give to what you're going to eat for dinner? In this PROcast we talk about Innovation, Inventors and Mental Athletes and what you can do to have the best life possible!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Innovation in your body

Have you been taking care of yourself? Have you decided to ignore your growth and body? In today's PROcast we discuss alternate and innovative therapies to help you live the life you have imagined.

Don't Be Motivational BE INNOVATIONAL

How do you Innovate as a Leader? Same old same old or do you stand up inside yourself and learn how to be the best leader you can be? In today's PROcast we look at Innovational Leadership!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

You Don't Look Good Naked! FIX IT TODAY!

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!  Seriously, it was my husband's side!  My dog slept on the bed and somehow I got displaced.  As I climbed out of bed, I chuckled to myself that it was in fact the wrong side of the bed! I didn't worry that I was going to have an off day though, because I knew my Ego, Inner Goddess and Body were in sync.  How did I know?  because this morning Bruno Mars was singing "Just The Way You Are" in my head, a clear indicator of a great day!

Does your spirit sing to you?  Mine does, daily.  

I've overheard people talk about how they have this song or that song stuck in their heads, and wish for them to be gone.  Those songs in our heads are not random.   I know that when a song is stuck in my head, it's my Spirits way of communicating with me about how I'm feeling even if I don't cognitively know.

If a song is stuck in my head that's out of my normal repertoire of music, I know it's time for self care.  I need to figure out what's happening inside of me before "ME" goes out in the world. 

Have you ever watched football players on tv?  You don't even have to have the sound on the tv to know how the players feel.  They are so animated with their bodies!

Amy Cuddy has a brilliant TED talk about body language and she explained "Jessica Tracey has studied pride and has shown that people who are born with sight AND those born congenitally blind throw their hands in the air and expand their bodies when they win a competition – people do the  same when they cross the finish line whether they have or haven’t seen anyone strike a winning pose before."

When we feel intimited our bodies shrink, when we feel proud our bodies expand. What about when you feel stressed?  What abut when you feel lost? What about when you feel lonely? What does your body do when you feel that way?

Are you the perfect weight?  Is your skin clear?  Did you notice some new wrinkles this morning?  The second chakra is often referred to as the belly or sacral chakra . It is located two inches below the navel and is rooted into the spine.  This chakra governs self worth, self confidence and emotions.  Is it any wonder so many people struggle with the way their bellys look?

Diet and exercise are essential parts of living, but what about when diet and exercise don't solve the bigger challenge?  

My son gains weight at an alarming rate when he's not being kind to himself and loses it just as quickly when his spirit is happy.  
My husband loses weight and gets very pale and his eyes get red rimmed when his stress level is at epic proportions.  
When was the last time you sat quietly and patiently listened to your spirit through your body?  
How many people this year will die from an inexplicable dreadful disease because of the toxicity within?  
When would NOW be a good time to run a systems check?

Seanlai Cochrane is a connected leadership speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.  
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

How to stop being CRULE to Yourself!

Who made your rules about you? Who decided how you were going to live, who you were going to be, and how you were going to get there? What CRULE jokes have you been playing on yourself? In today's PROcast we cover the CRULE jokes we believe about ourselves and how to create new rules for life!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Helping Leaders stop being CRULE

Are you a great leader or a mediocore leader? What are your CRULES (Chaotic Rules) for leadership? Do your CRULES make you cruel to yourself and your team? In today's PROcast we ask tough questions about our rules for leadership and how we can be the leaders we were meant to be

Friday, September 26, 2014

Helping Dollars Make Sense So Dollars don't become Cents!

What do you believe about money? How are you going to get creative with your money? In this PROcast we discuss our limiting beliefs about money, prosperity, and superheros!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

It's Your Fault You're Not Rich!

Netropolitan is being lauded as the facebook for rich people. 
I love it! 

I think it's a great idea, I get why it's being considered by so many people and I'm not even part of the 1%...YET.  

I have every belief I will be and knowing where I'm going drives home Netropolitan's genius.    

It will grow in popularity until the next best thing comes along or until there's a shift in consciousness of epic proportions from the other 99%.  

Everyone has challenges,  Everyone.

Everyone has had something happen to them, everyone has a mother/father/dad-always-loved-you-best-sister, to blame for the wounds they carry.  

The wealthiest people in the world have the same challenges as everyone else, but they also have the weight of money behind them, in front of them and on top of them.   Everyone wants to feel good, everyone wants to celebrate, everyone is proud when they've accomplished a goal.

Netropolitan is for people who want to discuss and celebrate the finer things in life without being subjected to #firstworldproblem responses and snarky comments.

 I myself have been guilty of not posting a success in my life, because when I did, I was called to the carpet for my "insensitivity and bragging."

 My intentions were pure, I wanted my friends to feel joyful for me because I felt joyful for me.  If the roles were reveresed, I would have felt joyful for them.

When I stopped posting wonderful things about my life and my business, my business and life reflected it.

I had to make decisions about whether or not I was going to let the words of other people become the words that shaped my destiny.

Lucky for me, the core of who I am is proud.  and I love to celebrate even the smallest victories.

I've worked hard to get here, I work smarter every day and I have just as many people to blame as you do.

If we want to feel good inside, we have to celebrate when something good happens or our brains and our subconscious mind decide not to work anymore because really, what's the point?

Celebrate the joys in your life, loudly publically, proudly and if that makes other people feel bad about them, that is inside of them and it's their mountain to climb.

We will never have the net-neutrality that the "poor people's web" is clamoring for if the "rich people's web" is a happier more celbratory place.  

You get what you reflect.

Change starts with you and me.  What are you proud of today?  What success story do you want to share?  Do it here! You're safe and I promise to celebrate your successes as though they were my own! GO!

Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.  
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The 1 thing sabatoging your health and fitness!

Not very long ago, people grew up, graduated high school and you never saw them again until your high school reunion.  You knew it was coming and then depending on how you felt about you determined whether or not you went.

Maybe you did a crash diet or maybe you'd just written a New York Times best seller and you couldn't wait to see that girl in english class that had rejected you.  Either way, you went because you had something to prove and you also wanted to see how you stacked up against your classmates.

Social media has removed the mystery.  No longer are those 10, 20 or even 30 year high school reunions shrowded in mystery.   No longer do you leave the event looking confidently at your spouse saying "can you believe.....".  What does this transparency do to us and what does it do to our bodies?

Nowhere else are things as criticized as the state of a person's physical body.  No one would dream of walking up to someone and saying "So, I heard you lost your job, tough break" but they have no problem walking up and saying "Wow, you lost a hundred pounds, that's a whole person!" Health and fitness are important in my life and I hope in yours too.   I have witnessed first hand what negative toxic emotions, like those caused by bad relationships and comparing ourselves on social media, can do to the body.  A little over a year ago, my son was in a relationship with someone that was incredibly toxic and as a result my normally healthy, never had a problem with his weight, son put on 25 pounds in 2 months!

When the relationship ended the weight magically fell off.  What happened?  He hadn't changed his eating or exercise habits and literally you could see the weight falling off him.  From one morning to the next his weight dropped 5 pounds! With his permission, I have posted Before & After Pictures taken just 4 days apart.  

I wouldn't believe it either, but I saw it with my own eyes!

November 30, 2013

December 3, 2013
Our bodies are wonderous magical beings.  Designed to house us, with an overwhelming instinct to protect not only our physicality but also our spirtuality.

When we are surrounded by toxic people and negative thoughts, our bodies become heavy, like our spirits.  Unknowingly our wonderous bodies perpetuate the cycle of self loathing by adding weight (or other health challenges) to insulate us from the chaos within and the chaos without.

We all know stress can cause heart attacks, it causes fat attacks too.

If you're not at the health and fitness  level you want, is it your processed food diet? your intermittant exercise routine? or your constant toxic self talk?

You can't live in a sick environment and be healthy.

You can't beat up on your fragile spirit and ego and not expect your body to reflect it.

You can't let anyone else beat up on your spirit, your ego and your body either.

The Janay Rice situation has cast a harsh and wide light on a problem that should have a spotlight shined on it every day until every abuser abuses no more.

Removing for a moment the physical brutality of her situation, let's focus on the emotional brutality that he dishes out and she heaps on herself.

What must she think and how must she feel knowing that not only is her private life filled with terrible, awful moments, but now her terrible awful moments are publically shared and judged?

I feel bad for her.  I don't understand her choices, but I don't have to, and neither do you.  It's not our journey.  We all have our own paths to walk and demons to fight.

Janay Rice is a physically beautiful woman,  who knows what she does to combat the external effects of self hatred.

Again, not mine to judge, but, if you're not in the health you want to be in, ask yourself what you can change in your environment that will have a positive impact on you today?

Our lives are the sum of the memories and experiences in them,  life is far too short to be anything but happy and peaceful.  If you're being abused, emotionally or physically find your strength and get help.  Today.

You've only got this body for a finite amount of time, the time within it should be as wonderful as you yourself are.  You can do this!

Let's continue the conversation, What are you letting ruin your health? Comment Down Below!

Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.  
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 

Progression Recession

Have you been asleep 20 years? Did you forget to live in the process? In this PROcast we examine the Progression Recession, when we think we've made progress.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Leaders Are Creative

How do you lead? Do you look for innovative solutions or do you rely on proven stratgies? In this PROcast we explore creativity in leadership

Friday's PROCast! Let's Talk About Money!

How do you talk to yourself about money? Do you always have enough? Do you always have more than you need? In this PRO-cast we talk about money and our conversations with it, other people and ourselves

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Harsh Truth That is Key to Your Success

An Inventor?  Who grows up to be an Inventor? Necessity is the mother of invention and mothers are the Universal advocate and protector of children.  On the front page of the Houston Chronicle yesterday was an article about my friend, the inventor, Shelly Henry's amazing Neurolumen Device.  
Shelly's daughter was in a terrible car accident and she was told she would never have children, and never walk again.  And that was the day Shelly became an inventor.   You see, no one ever tells you when you are growing up that life will take you on a journey you didn't see coming.  No one ever tells you that you wake up one day and you're not sure who you are anymore.  
As children we are asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" not "Who do you want to be?'  
That fateful day that my friend's daughter was injured, what she wanted to be no longer mattered, who she was in those moments did.  
We are all faced with challenges, and moments that feel just awful.  Our greatness emerges when we've been spun in circles enough to rise up in the vortex, look over the chaos, and with quiet deliberation, brutal optimism, and battle wounds step onto our path.  
Not everyone does though, there are hundreds of thousands of people who sit down in the vortex and let the debris fly around them and then because the debris is so high and the injuries are so painful and the hole is so deep, stay there.  
Shelly is not that person, and if you are reading this, neither are you.  
You are someone who recognizes your strength, you are someone that grabs everyone else by the hand and leads the way, and you are someone that critically thinks instead of blindly accepts what other people accept for themselves.    
If Shelly had listened to the doctors her daughter would probably be in a wheel chair today.  But she's a PHYSICAL, that's WHO she is.  She couldn't sit there and DO nothing, she had to DO something.  She had to GET UP and FIND a way.  
True success is embracing your true self.  Success is defined in a myriad of ways, who you become is only defined by you.  
Let's continue the conversation, Who Are You? Comment Down Below!

Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.  
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The BFF You Need To Be A Success!

 I hate you! I love you!  I'm happy! I'm sad.  I'm hungry.  I'm (_______) fill in the blank and it is real.  Language shapes our Reality.  Period.  How we feel about the choices we make is solely dependent on the language we use to describe our experience.

If you put on last season's suit and your partner compliments you, do you say,  "Thank you" or do you have an internal frenemy that says "It's too tight, my butt is too big, it's the wrong color...blah blah blah....".  Does your frenemy undermine you?

If you had just said thank you and accepted the praise, then your brain would have had been forced to have a conversation that validated all those giddy feelings.

If you let your frenemy take up residence, then all your brain can do is draw attention to and remember how you THINK you used to look.   Which may or may not be true.

Life is about language and stories.  What story are you telling yourself that is shaping your reality? 

Are you cursing the rush hour traffic or  are you **greatfull**you have a car?  

Business relationships, mergers, and acquisitions are all essentially the same thing.   It's more than one entity coming together to make something bigger, not necessarily better, but bigger.

The words you use with your employees on that realtionship, partnership, merger, acquisiton, or hostile takeover directly impacts the success of the event and the team.  

The words you use with your children become their internal voices. Growing their vocabulary and your own gives everyone an opportunity to have more choices for better outcomes.

It's time to break up with the small minded Frenemy.  For success in life, relationships and business ,you have to make language your (BFF).   It alone has the power to frighten,  frustrate,  feed,  feel, and ultimately find you.  

Feeling Brave? Comment Below what Frenemy is moving out of your house today!

Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.  
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

3 things you must do to be successful! (It's not what you think!)

I was flying home from NY today excited because I had just attended an incredible day-long conference. My plane landed and I grabbed my bag, I was doubly excited because I hadn't checked any luggage and I knew my honey would be outside waiting for me.  As the warm humid Florida air hit my face, I looked right and left for his car, and seeing no one, called his cell.  

After a few minutes of the "I'm standing under the green sign" conversation, he said "Sweetheart, go back in and grab a cup of coffee, I'll be there in 40 minutes.  I'm at the wrong airport."  

Has anything like this ever happened to you?  You're heading to a friend's house, your brain goes on vacation and somehow you're pulling up outside your office? You thought you were going one place and end up in another.  

That's The Progression Recession.  And it's so sneaky, it attacks when you least expect it, when you are busy, or stressed, or excited you look around and Ta-Da!  

This sneaky virus has been known to strike in your 20s, when your brain finally does come back from siesta, you're 35 years old with three kids, two car payments, a mortgage, aging parents and an extra 25 pounds. WHAT?!

Progression Recession is cancer to your life.  You've been so busy running the same cycles you forgot to LIVE.

The dreams you had when you were younger are just bittersweet memories that fall behind the more pressing need for school shoes.  

Now what?  You're up now and this is not the life you imagined!   Having an MPA will get you back on the fast track to living the life you deserve.


Forgive Yourself.  So what, so you married your high school sweetheart and it didn't work out.  So you never finished college and your sister has her Masters Degree...from Harvard.   So you've found yourself repeating the same mistakes with the same type of guy since you left your high school sweetheart.  Forgive You.  You're Wonderful.  This is your journey, your lessons, your life.  Forgive You.

Love Yourself.  You can't love anyone else, including your children if you aren't loving yourself first. Even the airlines will tell you to secure your own oxygen mask before helping the people around you. If you aren't devoting some of your time to self care then the rest of this doesn't matter.  


Make a Plan.  So you want to open your own organic grocery store?  Learn everything you can about the grocery store business.  Learn everything you can about business.  You want to leave that husband who isn't kind to you? You've gotta have a plan.  You want to marry the man of your dreams?  You've gotta have a  plan. You want to be CEO of a publicly traded company?  You get the idea.

Never Stop Learning.  No matter whether you go to college, or online school, or you're self taught.  Read, listen to audio books, create your own course to learn the things you want to learn to grow the way you want grow to be the person you want to be.  


My best friend once told me, three frogs are on a log, one decides to jump in the lake, how many frogs are on the log? Three.  A plan is nothing without the action to support it.  

A plan is a nice start, so is crawling before walking.  It's a beginning but it won't get you anywhere fast.  If you plan to open your own business, big damn deal.  We all make plans every day.  Nothing in our plans matters until we take ASTRONOMIC-GARGANTUAN-HOLY-CRAP-CAN'T-BELIEVE-I-AM DOING-THIS Action. 

Live begins at the end of the recession,  no one can live it for you.  Not even your sister and her MBA.  

         Comment Below, what's your MPA?

Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.  
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic