I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning! Seriously, it was my husband's side! My dog slept on the bed and somehow I got displaced. As I climbed out of bed, I chuckled to myself that it was in fact the wrong side of the bed! I didn't worry that I was going to have an off day though, because I knew my Ego, Inner Goddess and Body were in sync. How did I know? because this morning Bruno Mars was singing "Just The Way You Are" in my head, a clear indicator of a great day!
Does your spirit sing to you? Mine does, daily.
I've overheard people talk about how they have this song or that song stuck in their heads, and wish for them to be gone. Those songs in our heads are not random. I know that when a song is stuck in my head, it's my Spirits way of communicating with me about how I'm feeling even if I don't cognitively know.
If a song is stuck in my head that's out of my normal repertoire of music, I know it's time for self care. I need to figure out what's happening inside of me before "ME" goes out in the world.
Have you ever watched football players on tv? You don't even have to have the sound on the tv to know how the players feel. They are so animated with their bodies!
Amy Cuddy has a brilliant TED talk about body language and she explained "Jessica Tracey has studied pride and has shown that people who are born with sight AND those born congenitally blind throw their hands in the air and expand their bodies when they win a competition – people do the same when they cross the finish line whether they have or haven’t seen anyone strike a winning pose before."
When we feel intimited our bodies shrink, when we feel proud our bodies expand. What about when you feel stressed? What abut when you feel lost? What about when you feel lonely? What does your body do when you feel that way?
Are you the perfect weight? Is your skin clear? Did you notice some new wrinkles this morning? The second chakra is often referred to as the belly or sacral chakra . It is located two inches below the navel and is rooted into the spine. This chakra governs self worth, self confidence and emotions. Is it any wonder so many people struggle with the way their bellys look?
Diet and exercise are essential parts of living, but what about when diet and exercise don't solve the bigger challenge?
My son gains weight at an alarming rate when he's not being kind to himself and loses it just as quickly when his spirit is happy.
My husband loses weight and gets very pale and his eyes get red rimmed when his stress level is at epic proportions.
When was the last time you sat quietly and patiently listened to your spirit through your body?
How many people this year will die from an inexplicable dreadful disease because of the toxicity within?
When would NOW be a good time to run a systems check?
Seanlai Cochrane is a connected leadership speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event? Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646,
email: seanlaic@gmail.com
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic
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