Steve Gilliland's book Enjoy the Ride was the topic of yesterday's PROcast and his quote this morning is running around in my head:
"If tomorrow never comes will you be happy with the way today ended?"
Last night I had dinner with a girlfriend and she is having her own journey of awakening and stress and marital challenges. I asked her what she wanted to manifest in her life and as a successful corporate attorney you would think she would know.
She didn't.
We were on our way to dinner and while it's not important what we were discussing, the conversation turned to the harshness with which she was describing some mutual friends. She wasn't bad-mouthing anyone, she was just harsh in her tone.
I asked her about it, and she immediately got defensive and harsh in her tone with me. In another time and place, I would have gleefully joined in the 'I can be more offended than you game'.
Instead we had a nice meal and laughed about it later.
Do you look for reasons to get offended? Are you finding them?
Is your fragile over-inflated ego running the show?
It might be time to examine your ego in all it's naked glory!
I want to be clear that egos are not "bad", when they are healthy they are an AMAZING resource that gives us the oomph to manifest our destiny and ultimately our greatness. Let's look at the word EGO
Everybody's Got One
When your ego goes unchecked provoking it takes no effort at all. Whatever you look for you will most certainly find.
Most people never stop and get to know their ego, they think that is who and what they are and then act shocked when they have no friends, hate their jobs, hate where they live and torture their families for their own unhappiness.
The glare that shines on self righteous indignation is blinding.
Are you a star in that spotlight?
Do you say things like this on a regular basis:
"I'm so annoyed....."
I'm so frustrated...
"Can you believe he/she did/said...."
"What were you thinking...."
"You don't understand...."
If you said yes to any or all of those questions, it's time to let the curtain fall on that encore.
You can't enjoy the ride if you are blinded by your own reflection.
So I ask you again, "If tomorrow never comes will you be happy with the way today ended?"
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Seanlai Cochrane is a leadership & communications expert that shows you how to win the game of life and business by helping you communicate best with the people that matter most.
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