This past weekend I attended a meeting where the legendary Lou Heckler spoke about story telling and influence. He opened with a question and asked the audience if we knew the influence that we have? On Saturday I thought I did, and today I know I don't.
Today I learned that Bahamian Pastor Myles Munroe died in a plane crash and I am devastated. I never met Myles, but I always knew someday I would. Most people haven't heard of him, he wasn't as charismatic as Will Smith or as well known as Tony Robbins or as enlightened as Oprah Winfrey but he changed my life and I never even got to meet him. I've never spoken publicly about him and I've never exchanged emails, letters, phone calls or text messages with him, yet today, I'm devastated by his passing.
Almost 3 years ago, I was in a dark place and Myles shined his bright light into my world. Purely by serendipity I came across a talk Myles had given in the Bahamas that would later be found on YouTube called the 10 Attitudes of Leadership. I believe it's still available on YouTube today. Track 4 which was less than 10 minutes long and contained the words that would change my life and become my mantra.
Before I share those words with you, let me tell you how I had gotten there.
It was the beginning of the summer of 2012, the preceding years had not been kind as I had lost both of my parents in rapid succession, my child was finishing up cancer treatment, our house had burned down and both my husband's and my business had closed due to the Global Financial Crisis. My book-keeper and assistant for 7 years had been found stealing, our new business was in the difficult long-houred start-up phase, and I was lost.
I didn't know where to turn or who to turn to. I had discovered YouTube and it's free motivational videos that I used to fill me with energy so I could get out of bed in the morning.
I had never heard of Tony Robbins except in passing, Wayne Dyer was someone I had no connection to and this Bahamian pastor that I had never heard of was speaking to me through my iPhone about eagles and lions and leadership.
He connected with me and languaged things so beautifully I felt less alone in my world. As I leaned over my bathroom counter putting on my makeup Myles said "You Cannot Live Beyond The Limits of Your Belief System" and My. World. Stopped. Turning.
I dropped my mascara, and blindly grabbed my phone, I replayed the clip, and I played it again and I played it again, and I played it again and again, until I knew and understood the truth.
Looking around that lonely bathroom I realized that the life I was living was one that I had created. One that I dreamt about, one that I had manifested.
If I wanted a different life, I had to have a different belief system.
Later that night, I asked my 17 year old son what he wanted his life to look like and when I said "You Cannot Live Beyond The Limits of Your Belief System he said "OK mom, I'll live beyond my limits."
"No baby, raise your limits."
And THAT is what I have been doing every single day since. Raising limits, testing boundaries, creating opportunities to live the life I have imagined. To grow my content so it serves the world, to help people keep people and to be the type of person that is worthy of the life that I deserve.
Myles gave that talk to some group, somewhere, over lunch and years later in a bathroom across the world a lonely lost woman held on to that phrase like the life preserver it was.
What's your impact?
I hope that when I'm gone, someone somewhere will grieve for me as I grieve for him today not because I want them to hurt but because I was there when they needed me.
We have an obligation to share our gift with the world, whatever that gift is, you aren't here for you, you're here for the trail you leave behind.
If you're not living the life that you want, if everyday is not a gift that you are GREATFULL for then perhaps it's time for you to review your belief system and see where your limits are. YOU are your greatest limitation and your greatest resource. How you show up is up to you.
Do you know the influence you have?
Seanlai Cochrane is The Retention Expert who helps people keep people and puts profits back in your bottom line!
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?
Phone 405-314-8716
fax 405-471.5646
#seanlaic #proclivities +Myles Munroe International
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