Does that sound good? Then why aren't you packing your bags right now?
This week's PROcast is about priorities. What are yours?
Are your priorities in order and enhancing you?
Most people would say yes, and then their brains would immediately go to their jobs and how hard they work to "provide" for their family. Most families would gladly give up stuff to have more time, more love, more joy.
There are billions of people on this planet who get up every day, frustrated because it's Monday or *greatfull because it's Friday. What if you woke up every day excited?
What if you went to sleep at midnight thinking about your meaningful work and woke up at 4:30 energized to GET to do it again? What would that do for you? How would your life look?
What words would you use with your spouse and children and most of all yourself if you GOT to wake up and live the life you have imagined?
You can.
Read that last sentence again.
Make you a priority today.
We all have stuff. We all have ick, we all have challenges and we all have that small voice in our heads telling us what we "should" be doing, what's "right", what's "practical". We all know how to play the game of self-righteous indignation.
Anyone who has ever been wealthy, anyone who has ever done something truly great, every gold medalist, every Olympian, every self made billioniare did it by casting off the shackles of should and stood tall on the foundation of will.
And they failed. A lot. The looked stupid. A lot. They beat themselves up. A lot.
And you will too; embrace it, love it, make it a priority in your life. True success is born of it.
Are you on your WHY list? Why not?We all have a big "WHY"WHY I workWHY I tryWHY I get up in the morning
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event? Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646,
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