I was flying home from NY today excited because I had just attended an incredible day-long conference. My plane landed and I grabbed my bag, I was doubly excited because I hadn't checked any luggage and I knew my honey would be outside waiting for me. As the warm humid Florida air hit my face, I looked right and left for his car, and seeing no one, called his cell.
After a few minutes of the "I'm standing under the green sign" conversation, he said "Sweetheart, go back in and grab a cup of coffee, I'll be there in 40 minutes. I'm at the wrong airport."
After a few minutes of the "I'm standing under the green sign" conversation, he said "Sweetheart, go back in and grab a cup of coffee, I'll be there in 40 minutes. I'm at the wrong airport."
Has anything like this ever happened to you? You're heading to a friend's house, your brain goes on vacation and somehow you're pulling up outside your office? You thought you were going one place and end up in another.
That's The Progression Recession. And it's so sneaky, it attacks when you least expect it, when you are busy, or stressed, or excited you look around and Ta-Da!
This sneaky virus has been known to strike in your 20s, when your brain finally does come back from siesta, you're 35 years old with three kids, two car payments, a mortgage, aging parents and an extra 25 pounds. WHAT?!
Progression Recession is cancer to your life. You've been so busy running the same cycles you forgot to LIVE.
The dreams you had when you were younger are just bittersweet memories that fall behind the more pressing need for school shoes.
Now what? You're up now and this is not the life you imagined! Having an MPA will get you back on the fast track to living the life you deserve.
Forgive Yourself. So what, so you married your high school sweetheart and it didn't work out. So you never finished college and your sister has her Masters Degree...from Harvard. So you've found yourself repeating the same mistakes with the same type of guy since you left your high school sweetheart. Forgive You. You're Wonderful. This is your journey, your lessons, your life. Forgive You.
Love Yourself. You can't love anyone else, including your children if you aren't loving yourself first. Even the airlines will tell you to secure your own oxygen mask before helping the people around you. If you aren't devoting some of your time to self care then the rest of this doesn't matter.
Make a Plan. So you want to open your own organic grocery store? Learn everything you can about the grocery store business. Learn everything you can about business. You want to leave that husband who isn't kind to you? You've gotta have a plan. You want to marry the man of your dreams? You've gotta have a plan. You want to be CEO of a publicly traded company? You get the idea.
Never Stop Learning. No matter whether you go to college, or online school, or you're self taught. Read, listen to audio books, create your own course to learn the things you want to learn to grow the way you want grow to be the person you want to be.
My best friend once told me, three frogs are on a log, one decides to jump in the lake, how many frogs are on the log? Three. A plan is nothing without the action to support it.
A plan is a nice start, so is crawling before walking. It's a beginning but it won't get you anywhere fast. If you plan to open your own business, big damn deal. We all make plans every day. Nothing in our plans matters until we take ASTRONOMIC-GARGANTUAN-HOLY-CRAP-CAN'T-BELIEVE-I-AM DOING-THIS Action.
Live begins at the end of the recession, no one can live it for you. Not even your sister and her MBA.
Comment Below, what's your MPA?
Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event? Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646,
email: seanlaic@gmail.com
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic
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