Not very long ago, people grew up, graduated high school and you never saw them again until your high school reunion. You knew it was coming and then depending on how you felt about you determined whether or not you went.
Maybe you did a crash diet or maybe you'd just written a New York Times best seller and you couldn't wait to see that girl in english class that had rejected you. Either way, you went because you had something to prove and you also wanted to see how you stacked up against your classmates.
Social media has removed the mystery. No longer are those 10, 20 or even 30 year high school reunions shrowded in mystery. No longer do you leave the event looking confidently at your spouse saying "can you believe.....". What does this transparency do to us and what does it do to our bodies?
Nowhere else are things as criticized as the state of a person's physical body. No one would dream of walking up to someone and saying "So, I heard you lost your job, tough break" but they have no problem walking up and saying "Wow, you lost a hundred pounds, that's a whole person!" Health and fitness are important in my life and I hope in yours too. I have witnessed first hand what negative toxic emotions, like those caused by bad relationships and comparing ourselves on social media, can do to the body. A little over a year ago, my son was in a relationship with someone that was incredibly toxic and as a result my normally healthy, never had a problem with his weight, son put on 25 pounds in 2 months!
When the relationship ended the weight magically fell off. What happened? He hadn't changed his eating or exercise habits and literally you could see the weight falling off him. From one morning to the next his weight dropped 5 pounds! With his permission, I have posted Before & After Pictures taken just 4 days apart.
I wouldn't believe it either, but I saw it with my own eyes!
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November 30, 2013 |
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December 3, 2013 |
Our bodies are wonderous magical beings. Designed to house us, with an overwhelming instinct to protect not only our physicality but also our spirtuality.
When we are surrounded by toxic people and negative thoughts, our bodies become heavy, like our spirits. Unknowingly our wonderous bodies perpetuate the cycle of self loathing by adding weight (or other health challenges) to insulate us from the chaos within and the chaos without.
We all know stress can cause heart attacks, it causes fat attacks too.
If you're not at the health and fitness level you want, is it your processed food diet? your intermittant exercise routine? or your constant toxic self talk?
You can't live in a sick environment and be healthy.
You can't beat up on your fragile spirit and ego and not expect your body to reflect it.
You can't let anyone else beat up on your spirit, your ego and your body either.
The Janay Rice situation has cast a harsh and wide light on a problem that should have a spotlight shined on it every day until every abuser abuses no more.
Removing for a moment the physical brutality of her situation, let's focus on the emotional brutality that he dishes out and she heaps on herself.
What must she think and how must she feel knowing that not only is her private life filled with terrible, awful moments, but now her terrible awful moments are publically shared and judged?
I feel bad for her. I don't understand her choices, but I don't have to, and neither do you. It's not our journey. We all have our own paths to walk and demons to fight.
Janay Rice is a physically beautiful woman, who knows what she does to combat the external effects of self hatred.
Again, not mine to judge, but, if you're not in the health you want to be in, ask yourself what you can change in your environment that will have a positive impact on you today?
Our lives are the sum of the memories and experiences in them, life is far too short to be anything but happy and peaceful. If you're being abused, emotionally or physically find your strength and get help. Today.
You've only got this body for a finite amount of time, the time within it should be as wonderful as you yourself are. You can do this!
Let's continue the conversation, What are you letting ruin your health? Comment Down Below!
Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event? Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646,
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic
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