Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Harsh Truth That is Key to Your Success

An Inventor?  Who grows up to be an Inventor? Necessity is the mother of invention and mothers are the Universal advocate and protector of children.  On the front page of the Houston Chronicle yesterday was an article about my friend, the inventor, Shelly Henry's amazing Neurolumen Device.  
Shelly's daughter was in a terrible car accident and she was told she would never have children, and never walk again.  And that was the day Shelly became an inventor.   You see, no one ever tells you when you are growing up that life will take you on a journey you didn't see coming.  No one ever tells you that you wake up one day and you're not sure who you are anymore.  
As children we are asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?" not "Who do you want to be?'  
That fateful day that my friend's daughter was injured, what she wanted to be no longer mattered, who she was in those moments did.  
We are all faced with challenges, and moments that feel just awful.  Our greatness emerges when we've been spun in circles enough to rise up in the vortex, look over the chaos, and with quiet deliberation, brutal optimism, and battle wounds step onto our path.  
Not everyone does though, there are hundreds of thousands of people who sit down in the vortex and let the debris fly around them and then because the debris is so high and the injuries are so painful and the hole is so deep, stay there.  
Shelly is not that person, and if you are reading this, neither are you.  
You are someone who recognizes your strength, you are someone that grabs everyone else by the hand and leads the way, and you are someone that critically thinks instead of blindly accepts what other people accept for themselves.    
If Shelly had listened to the doctors her daughter would probably be in a wheel chair today.  But she's a PHYSICAL, that's WHO she is.  She couldn't sit there and DO nothing, she had to DO something.  She had to GET UP and FIND a way.  
True success is embracing your true self.  Success is defined in a myriad of ways, who you become is only defined by you.  
Let's continue the conversation, Who Are You? Comment Down Below!

Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.  
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 

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