Friday, September 5, 2014

Want to Love Your Life? Ask Yourself This Question!

Imagine you are sitting in a large room with all the people in the world today. In front of you is a large carboard box that is taped on all sides so you can't see in.

Seated next to you is your neighbor, next to her is your mother, next to your mom is Kevin Durant, on the other side of you is Warren Buffet, and next to him is Arianna Huffington.  

As you look around the sea of faces, you wave at those you recognize.  Everyone in the room has a box just like yours. As you sit there, you see a sharply dressed tall woman walking to the middle of this enormous room and everyone falls silent and finally, She asks everyone to stand up, and hold their box out in front of them.

You along with all the other people pick up your box.  It's fairly heavy, some people don't seem to have any trouble picking their box up and some people are shaking under the weight.

Once everyone is standing, she says,"Inside the box is your journey, your ongoing struggles, your current and future problems, your secret vices, your health challenges, your true loves, your true passions, your past, present and your future."  

As you look around the room, you wonder what's in other people's boxes.  She continues, "Today you have the chance to exchange boxes with anyone else....

What do you do?  Do you keep your life, or do you exchange it for someone else's?  

Many people might say they would have loved to have had Robin Williams seemingly charmed life, but now we know he had demons we can't comprehend.  

The journey we are on is a personal one and one that has many companions along the way.  Sometimes those companions are joy and achievement and sometimes they are failure and loss.   

Language shapes our experiences. What you tell yourself about yourself shapes the experience and quality of your life.   If you are loving and kind in your internal language, you will in turn be loving and kind with other people.  How you operate in the world constructs your world.  What you do with your time forges your destiny.  Who you choose to spend time with dictates the companions you will have along the way. We are all on this journey together, no one's journey is seamless, when you hit a dead end, it's not the end, it's a Universal Course Correction.  

So again, I ask you, would you keep your box? Comment below and let's continue the conversation.  

Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.  
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 

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