My husband, Jason and I were outside eating dinner on the water at this lovely little restaurant here in south Florida. We had just gotten our drinks when the table next to us got their desserts and coffee. A self-proclaimed coffee snob, I listened to them talk about work and when the bill came, figure out the tip.
My husband gave me a strange look, and it was then that I realized I had been hyperfocused because they were speaking in German.
My dad was military, so I spent my teen years in Nurnberg Germany and was once fluent in the language.
Sitting next to those people, I only caught about every third word and found myself translating it back into English. For anyone fluent in more than one language, you know that when you're in the midst of a conversation, you think in the language you are speaking.
The couple got up and after taking a few standard tourist pictures, left. But not before I had strained to hear every word they spoke in an effort to test my rusty skills. They were obllivious.
How did they miss me leaning in as they spoke? How did they not catch me staring? Why couldn't they hear me repeating their words to Jason? Everyday, we run as fast as we can speaking, thinking, eating, working and we make grand assumptions that everyone around us is on the same page, and when they aren't we act shocked and conflict ensues.
Something's wrong with THEM you say, THEY don't listen, why don't THEY change?
When planning your strategy for success, remember, it's not about them; it's always about YOU.
It's up to you to write your story, with your pen. If you're going to live an extraordinary successful life, you have to have extraordinary communication. Virtual Google Translate only works in the movies.
When is the last time you had to decode someone's untranslated message? What happened? Feel free to brag about your success in the comments!
Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event? Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646,
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic
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