Thursday, September 4, 2014

One Habit That Will Immediately Improve Your Life

Walking on the beach this morning, my best friend and I were having one of those "can you believe....and then he said....." conversations.  She was frustrated with her husband because he is "unteachable".  She thinks that any advice she gives him falls on deaf ears. 
Have you ever felt that way?  That no matter how much you try to gift your guidance with your spouse, or your children or God-Forbid your mother they don't listen?  What do you do when that happens?  

Do you argue with them until you brow-beat them into submission?  Do you think or say " I told you so" after things work out EXACTLY as you said it would? Or do you just offer advice and let it go?  

For me, with everyone except my family, my policy is, 'If I've told you not to run in front of the bus and you run in front of the bus anyway, it's your fault.  I warned you.'

Allow me to reiterate, that policy is in effect with everyone EXCEPT my family.  

Is that how you are with your family?  As I asked my best friend this morning, is her husband really unteachable or just unteachable by her?  

Communication is the process of sending a message and the receiver receiving that message, interpreting  the meaning, and accepting or rejecting the message.   As a communication speaker and thought leader, I speak on that invisible boundary and  I am ***greatfull***for the people that tell me how my talks, blogs, or training helped them in their business and personal lives.
Then why doesn't my family delight in my doctrines? Or your family delight in yours?
The same reason my friend's husband doesn't.   Powdered Butt Syndrome [PBS].
Your mom powdered your butt, therefore she is not teachable by you.   Instant credibility loss when someone has seen you at your best and your worst.
The habit you must adopt for PBS?  Get Over It.
No matter how much you learn, no matter how many degrees you have, no matter how much success you obtain, you're still their child, their spouse, their parent and they are not teachable by you.
Today's challenge:  The next time someone you love tries to teach you something, ask yourself:  If a stranger on the street was sharing this information with me, would I receive it differently?

When is the last time you had PBS?  Share in the comments below! 

***I realize that I’m the only one in the world who spells greatfull the way it should be: 

GREATFULL=Full of Great***
Share your comments down below! 

Seanlai Cochrane is a leadership & communications expert that shows you how to win the game of life and business by helping you communicate best with the people that matter most.

Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event?  

Phone 405-314-8716 
fax 405-471.5646, 
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic 
#seanlaic #proclivities 

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