We as humans are resistant to change. We fight it and then we embrace it until it becomes the new normal and then we fight the changing tide once again.
This year I have launched another business, stepped on the platform as a Professional Speaker, stepped back (but not away) from one of our other businesses, put a child in college and moved to Florida. All the change has been wonderful, necessary, and productive but to say it's been painless would be a lie. There are few inalineable truths in the world, but what I know for sure is when you let go you stop being tested. Read that last sentence again.
How many times have you fought for or against something only to find that when you let go, the thing you were fighting was no longer even a blip on your radar? Resistance to change is futile, progress because of change is optional, growth through change is optimal. When you get to the other side, stronger, better, and more prepared for the next chapter of your life that's where real magic happens. When I find myself sitting down in the middle of the road and refusing to budge, I remember that resisting change is like trying to walk through the ocean. If I just relax, let myself float, and steer gently, I make greater strides with far less effort and enjoy the journey along the way.
Comment down below how are you resisting change in your life? Where can you let go and let the tide take you while you steer?
Comment down below how are you resisting change in your life? Where can you let go and let the tide take you while you steer?
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