Today I broke up a fight between two dogs at my best friend's house. I've known these dogs for years and occasionally they decide to battle for top dog. At my house, my husband and I are the undisputed pack leaders of our dogs; but at her house hers aren't always confident. So whenever they have any type of change (and who doesn't) these two dogs for no obvious reason will attack eachother. Dogs don't really care who's in charge, they just want to know that someone is. If they fear that the pack leader position is available, they will launch a crusade to claim the spot.
This got me to thinking about business environments. Simon Sinek would say (and I agree) that in the military people are rewarded for sacrificing themselves and in corporate they are rewarded for sacrificing other people. What is missing from the corporate battleground that encourages people to battle for top position? Have you ever stopped to wonder what dynamics are really at play? Office politics are the direct result of poor leadership. Without strong pack leaders teams fall apart and fight for position sacrificing others and ultimately themselves. As leaders we must stand in front of our teams in the face of threats and behind our teams in the face of success. Behind the closed boardroom doors, we can say what must be said and do what must be done, but when those doors swing open the person facing it on the outside should always be met with a united team that knows where they stand and is banded together working towards a common greater good.
Leadership isn't born with a title, are you the type of leader that will stand in front of and behind your team?
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