How much does Employee Turnover cost your company? Have you ever taken the time to calculate the onboarding costs, the vacancy costs, the training costs, the recruitment costs, the lost client costs? Don’t forget to include the additional emotional cost and loss of productivity (read here revenue) on the remaining employees as they fill in the gap.
Dan Pink, author of the book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, says there are three key drivers of motivation: autonomy, mastery, and purpose. Key drivers of motivation and yet there are still employees every day with these 3 things and ‘motivated’ would not be the adjective their team would use to describe them.
So what else must be at play here? Perhaps it is not motivation at all but intrinsic value. In other words, if employees don’t feel like they or their work is valued work how likely are they to be motivated? In an age old question, how do leaders make each of their team feel valued when value is such a personal quality?
People feel valued and engaged when they are communicated in a way that they understand and respond to naturally. Brene Brown says “communication is what everyone wants, it’s why we are here”. Communication is the difference between success in organizations and cultural suicide.
Research shows that people process the world differently and in that difference lies the secret between the engaged, excited employee and the disinterested employee that is scouring LinkedIn for their next job. The proclivity with which they operate is as basic and instinctual as breathing.
There are 4 different proclivities that people operate in that immediately impacts peak performance.
Visuals process the world by what they see. If they didn’t see it, it isn’t real.
Auditorys process the world by what they hear. If they didn’t hear it, it isn’t real.
Auditorys process the world by what they hear. If they didn’t hear it, it isn’t real.
Verbals process the world by what they say. If they didn’t say it, it isn’t real.
Physicals process the world by what they touch. If they can’t touch it, it’s not real.
Seanlai Cochrane is a rockstar communication speaker that helps leaders play like a PRO and keep their talent, grow profits, and power by the competition.
Want to hire Seanlai to speak at your next event? Call her at 405-314-8716 fax 405-471.5646,
Connect with Seanlai on Linkedin or twitter @seanlaic
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