Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to destroy your company's culture

My mother said one bad apple spoils the bunch. And, she was right.
Toxic People…

Have you ever noticed, how you can be having a great day and one person says or does something that gets under your skin and a whole day's goodness is overshadowed by that one thing?

That's toxicity at work.

Like a heat seeking missile, a toxic person will destroy a company’s culture and employee well-being faster than you can blink.  

People who say negative things have given themselves permission to sit in judgment.  No matter what happens, it is never their fault.

If you listen to their toxicity, you may not realize that your subconscious hears it too and you are being slowly poisoned by the toxic person’s words and behavior. 

To keep from being infected by their poison, remove yourself from the area (if you can) and if not, find a way to keep from engaging with that person.

If you want to combat negativity and toxicity, find gratitude every day.  In those moments, if you can’t think of anything else, be grateful you don’t live in their head.

A wise speaker named Jim Rohn once said,  “Stand guard at the doorway of your mind.” If you don’t who will?”

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